South Coast C&SS monthly meeting – July 2018
South Coast Botanic Garden, Frances Young Hall 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA, United StatesPresenter for July is: Ernesto Sandoval "Propagation of Cacti and Succulents – Part 2".
Presenter for July is: Ernesto Sandoval "Propagation of Cacti and Succulents – Part 2".
PRESENTER FOR AUGUST: Woody Minnich - "The New, Rare and Seldom seen Cacti and Succulents of Mexico"
PRESENTER: Gary Duke “What Kind of Cactus Is It?”
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER IS: Tom Glavich - "Pelargoniums of Southern Africa"
Our annual Holiday Pot Luck will be held on Sunday, December 9th, our usual meeting date. The festivities will start at noon in the Auditorium. We will start set-up at 10:30 AM. Anyone with a flair for decorating or arms to help with table and chair set up is encouraged to come early. Phyllis DeCrescenzo…
PRESENTER FOR January IS: Laurel Woodley "Discovering Plant Taxonomy"
PRESENTER FOR FEBRUARY IS: Guillermo Rivera – “Argentina and Chile”
PRESENTER FOR MARCH IS: Rob Skillin - "Kenya, Land of Tropical Succulents"
April 6-7th, 9am - 4pm
South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes, CA.
* Thousands of cactus and succulents for sale
* Hard-to-find plants
* Kids potting table
* Beautiful displays by expert growers
* Expert advice for beginners and advanced
PRESENTER FOR MAY IS: Ernesto Sandoval - "Forms and Functions of Cacti and succulents Inside and Out along with other Desert Dwellers!"
PRESENTER FOR JUNE IS: Gary Duke – “Landscaping and Micro-Climates for Small Yards”
PRESENTER FOR JULY IS: Attila Kapitany - "Botanical Gardens of Australia Tour" – featuring highlights and interesting surprises through a cactus and succulent collector’s eyes.
Cactus of the Month: Epithelantha, Frailea, Aztekium Succulent of the Month: Dyckia, Hechtia, Puya PRESENTER FOR AUGUST IS: Woody Minnich - "20 Years in the Atacama, Land of the Copiapoas" Similar to the coast of Namibia, the coastal and inland regions of northern Chile, known as the Atacama, is mainly watered by amazing fogs, “the…
Cactus of the Month: Variegated cactus Succulent of the Month: Variegated succulent PRESENTER FOR SEPTEMBER IS: Tom Glavich - "The High Drakensbergs" Tom will talk about a trip he took to the high Drakensberg's, a mountain chain in the East Central region of South Africa. Most of the trip was centered on the high-altitude country…
PRESENTER FOR OCTOBER IS: Gunnar Eisel _ "Astrophytum Revisited". Following the meeting will be Gary Duke's Seed Propagation Workshop for those who signed up.
Cactus of the Month: South American columnar cactus (Espostoa, Oreocereus, Cleistocactus, etc.) Succulent of the Month: Pelargonium, Sarcocaulon, Tylecodon PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER IS: John Martinez & Nils Schirrmacher - Dudleya: Succulent Diversity in Our Own Backyard" Our local mountains are home to a plentiful and varied assortment of Dudleya. Each of the 11 species and…
Members only: Our annual Holiday Pot Luck will be held on Sunday, December 8th, our usual meeting date. The festivities will start at noon in the Auditorium. Check-in with the kitchen monitor when you bring your covered dish for 10-12 people. It can be a salad, casserole, side hot or cold dish or dessert. (please…
PRESENTER FOR JANUARY IS: Jeff Moore – “2019 SPINY SUCCULENTS: Euphorbias, Cacti, and Other Sculptural Succulents and (Mostly) Spiny Xerophytic Plants”
PRESENTER FOR MARCH IS: Woody Minnich - "Cactus and Succulent Conservation Around the World"
April 4-5th, 9am - 4pm
South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Blvd., Palos Verdes, CA.
* Thousands of cactus and succulents for sale
* Hard-to-find plants
* Kids potting table
* Beautiful displays by expert growers
* Expert advice for beginners and advanced
PRESENTER FOR MAY IS: Russel Ray –“Nature’s Geometry Succulents”
Cactus of the Month: Opuntia, Tephrocactus, Cylindropuntia, Austrocylindropuntia. Succulent of the Month: Cissus, Cyphostemma. Meeting is cancelled
Cactus of the Month: Melocactus Succulent of the Month: Bromeliaceae (other than Tillandsia) Meeting will be held via Zoom invitation. Members to submit Mini Show photos by July 20Speaker via Zoom is Gary Duke, speaking on "NW Argentina - Places and Plants". Gary shows 26 cacti genera and 14 succulent genera, to include many species…
Jackson Burkholder will present a program via Zoom entitled, “The Botany of Cacti: An Introduction”.
PRESENTER FOR SEPTEMBER IS: Gunnar Eisel - “The Folklore, Enchantment, and Evolution of the C&S Hobby from 1894 to the present day”.
PRESENTER FOR OCTOBER IS: Tom Glavich - "Exploring Gasteria including Cultivars and Hybrids"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER IS: Stephen McCabe "Cliff hangers and Flatlanders: Dudleya on the Edge"
Besides the opportunity to show your favorite plant at the this year's Zoom Holiday Party, we thought some may want to buy plants on the internet and Gary Duke and CactusQuest (Hunter) have produced a short video titled "Ethical Plant Shopping + CITES" to help you be legal in your shopping. Both he and Hunter…
PRESENTER FOR JANUARY: Brian Kemble - "History of the Ruth Bancroft Garden".
Presenter for February is Guillermo Rivera – “Cactus diversity in northwestern Argentina: a habitat approach”
PRESENTER FOR MARCH: Gary Duke - "Chile - Land of the Ancients"
PRESENTER FOR APRIL IS : Karen Ostler – “Staging”
PRESENTER FOR May: Laurel Woodley: Getting to Know Kalanchoes.
The Presenter is: Ernesto Sandoval – “Succulents: Liberated or Constrained in Containers?”
“Soil Mixtures and Watering Schedules”. The Presenters are: Maria Capaldo, Mike Short, Laurel Woodley and Gary Duke
Meeting has been canceled. See you in September!
The Presenter is: Jeff Moore - "Agaves: Species, Cultivars & Hybrids".
The Presenter is: Rod Haenni- “Growing Cacti and Succulents from Seed”
PRESENTER: Joe Stead 'Propagate it! Then put it in the ground'.
Cactus of the Month: North American Columnar Cacti (Saguaro, Cereus, etc.)
Succulent of the Month: Senecio (including Caputia, Curio, and Kleinia)
PRESENTER: John Trager - "Time for Taiwan"
PRESENTER: Kelly Griffin - “Oaxaca meanderings in search of succulents, plants, adventure and fun”.
Presenter: Jackson Burkholder: Sulcorebutia: A Virtual Tour through Bolivia
Presenter: Woody Minnich “The Cacti and Succulents of New Mexico”
Evidence of Covid vaccination required to attend the SCCSS Club meeting. Bring your vaccine card, as we will be checking at the door. No admission without evidence of vaccination.
April 23-24th, 9am - 4pm
Palos Verdes Art Center, 5504 Crestridge Road, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
All visitors must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Wearing face masks is strongly encouraged.
* Thousands of cactus and succulents for sale
* Hard-to-find plants
* Beautiful displays by expert growers
* Expert advice for beginners and advanced
Stefan Burger:"Copiapoa 2022"
PRESENTER: Tom Glavich "Exploring Euphorbia".
Members and their guests Free admission.
PRESENTER FOR July: Gary Duke: “Northern Argentina” – (12 Nov – 26 Nov 2021).
PRESENTER: Ernesto Sandoval: “Feeding Succulents: How Fertilizer, Water pH and Soil Can and Should Be Adjusted!”
PRESENTER FOR September: Steven Frieze: "Adventures in Namaqualand: The Beauty and Exotic Quality of South African Succulents"
PRESENTER FOR OCTOBER IS: Paul T. Isley III "Tillandsias"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER: Kelly Griffin: "Now and then. An update on the Yemen island of Socotra."
Members and guests only: Our first Holiday gathering in 3 years will be held on Sunday, December 11th. We are celebrating our 50th year! The festivities will start at 1PM in the Auditorium. Awards will be given for the top winners of the Mini Show for the year. Please also bring your 2022 “Annual Plant”,…
Presenter: Dylan Hannon "Othonnas for the Collector"
PRESENTER FOR February: John Trager "Huntington Happenings"
Fri. March 3rd Noon-6pm, Sat. Mar. 4th 9am-4pm 1000 S. State College Bl., (Anaheim United Methodist Church) Anaheim, CA 92806 Info. Call 657-549-0702
8842 Park St, Bellflower, CA Sat, Mar 4, 9:00 am – 1:00 pmFacebook: Instagram: Review:
PRESENTER FOR March: Jerry Robinson "Bromeliads for the Home and Garden"
NOTE NEW DATE !! - April 15-16, 9am - 4pm
Los Angeles Cactus & Succulent Society - Sale 2023 April 22 - 23, 2023 Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 9am-3pm Info. Sepulveda Garden Center, 16633 Magnolia Blvd., Encino, CA
PRESENTER FOR May: Duke Benadon "Baja California-End to End". Note: THIS IS THE 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH.
PRESENTER FOR JUNE: Ron Kaufmann "Life on the Rocks: The world of Rupicolous Orchids"
PRESENTER FOR July: Kelly Griffin: "Aloe Hybrids"
JULY 12-16 CSSA Convention Info.
C&S Summer Fest Plant Hop and Shop
PRESENTER IS: Russel Ray –“Nature’s Geometry: Succulents”
PRESENTER FOR SEPTEMBER: Peter Walkowiak: Soil and Staging Workshop
The Duke of Long Beach invites you to: Duke's Fall Rare Succulent and Artisan Pottery Event September 24th, 2023, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm 4660 Rio ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 (Can also enter from back of Johnny Reb’s parking lot) 4663 Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, 90805 Hosted by Gary Duke – @garyduke53 All Duke's…
PRESENTER FOR OCTOBER: Jim Gardner "Fascinating succulent flora of the Canary Islands"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER: Steven Frieze "Oaxaca, Mexico"
South Coast C&SS Holiday Gathering 2023-Potluck!!!
PRESENTER FOR FEBRUARY: Gary Duke "Chile: More Than Copiapoas"
PRESENTER FOR MARCH: Steven Frieze "Journey to Brazil"
The Duke of Long Beach invites you to: Rare Plant and Pottery Sale Sat. April 6th, 2024, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm 4660 Rio ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 (Can also enter from back of Johnny Reb’s parking lot) 4663 Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, 90805 Hosted by Gary Duke – @garyduke53 Other vendors: Port Town…
April 13-14, 2024 9am - 4pm
Los Angeles Cactus & Succulent Society - Spring Plant Sale 2024 May 17 - 18, 2024 Fri. 5pm-9pm, Sat. 9am-3pm Info. Tarzana Community & Cultural Center 19130 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana CA
PRESENTER FOR MAY: Kelly Griffin "An Adventure to Namibia"
MAY 25 Sat. 8:30AM-5PM California Center for the Arts ( 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA Cost is $65 per person and includes lunch. Register online at Deadline for registration is May 11. Conference Contacts: Mildred Mikas, or Pat Neal,
MAY 25-26 Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm Info. or Nipomo High School, 525 N Thompson Ave., Nipomo, CA 93444
PRESENTER FOR JUNE: Jeff Moore "Dudleyas"
PRESENTER FOR JULY: Ernesto Sandoval "30+ years of Growing Succulents Professionally and Learning from Others and the Wild"
JULY 19-20 Fri. Noon-6pm,Sat. 9am-4pm Info. call 657-549-0702 1000 S. State College Bl.,(Anaheim United Methodist Church) Anaheim, CA
AUG. 2-4, Reservations Required, Fri Aug. 2 Sale only(no Show) 9am-6:30 pm Sat & Sun Aug. 3-4 Show & Sale 9am-5pm LA County Arboretum, 301 No. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007 Info. or call 805-264-6262Note that advance tickets for the Arboretum are required. See from the Inter-City Committee ... It is time again…
Bromeliad Show & Sale 2024. Palos Verdes Art Center Saturday Aug 10 2024, 10 am - 4 pm.
PRESENTER FOR AUGUST: Peter Walkowiak:Soil and Fertilizer for Succulents
AUG. 30, 9am-4pm RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Info. Reservations- Huntington Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, CA For questions about this event, please contact Grace Lotker at or 626-405-3445.
AUG. 30-SEP. 1 Fri. 3pm-6pm members only, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm Info or ISTW Portuguese Hall, 124 Atkinson Lane, Watsonville, CA 95076
South Bay Orchid Society Fall Show & Sale September 7-8, 2024 Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Palos Verdes Art Center 5504 Crestridge Rd. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA More info:
PRESENTER FOR SEPTEMBER: John Trager "Succulent Treasures of Taiwan in Habitat and Cultivation"
The Duke of Long Beach invites you to a: Plant and Handcrafted Pottery Sale Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 (date changed due to heat advisory) 4660 Rio Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 9:00 am – 2:00 pm (Can also enter from back of Johnny Reb’s parking lot) Vendors: Port Town Pottery by Regina Fernandez - @port_town_pottery…
OCT. 6, 1pm-3:30pm Info. call 714-553-6914 Women’s Club of Bellflower, 9402 Oak St., Bellflower, CA
OCT. 13, 9AM-4PM Info. or 558 N. Ventu Park Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 SE corner of Ventu & HillcrestVendors will be offering: Cactus, Succulents, Bromeliads & Plumerias Along with Pottery and Jewelry Experts will be available for advice on growing and cultivation Please bring boxes or bags to carry home your purchases.…
This event has been cancelled. OCT. 26-27 San Diego Botanic Garden admission required Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-3pm Info. San Diego Botanic Garden, Conservatory, 230 Quail Gardens Dr., Encinitas, CA
Huntington Fall Plant Sale - Reservations Required Fri/Sat/Sun NOV. 1-3 | 10am -5pm Info. Reservations-, Sale call 626-405-3571 Huntington Botanical Gardens, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, CA
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER: KEITH TAYLOR "Transitioning from Summer to Winter Growers"
The Duke of Long Beach invites you to a: Plant and Pottery Sale Saturday, December 7, 2024 4660 Rio Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 9:00 am – 2:00 pm (Can also enter from back of Johnny Reb’s parking lot) Vendors ©GARYDUKE53 @PORT TOWN POTTERY @EAST_LOS SUCCULENTS @ROJASSUCCULENTS @POTTERYBYALDEN @POTTERYBYPATRICE @MOJAVECACTUSGW VEGAN TAMALES BY @GRANNYKITCHENLOVE &…
South Coast C&SS Holiday Gathering 2024-Potluck!!!
PRESENTER FOR JANUARY: Ernesto Sandoval "A Natural History of Baja California:A Photographic Journey"