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South Coast C&SS December Zoom meeting 2021
2021-12-12 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PST

Mini-Show Cactus December 2021: Any Previous Cacti of the Year
Mini-Show Succulent December 2021: Any Previous Succulents of the Year
PRESENTER FOR December: John Trager – “Time for Taiwan“
The Xiamen Botanical Garden in Fujian Province, China has the most notable succulent collection of botanical gardens in mainland China. It is located in the city of Xiamen, a city of more than 4 million on the SE coast just a short flight from Taiwan. A 2018 trip provided the opportunity to visit Xiamen with time for a quick visit to Taiwan as well. This program looks at some of the botanical and cultural highlights of these fascinating places that may be a bit off the beaten track for most succulent collectors.
John Trager is Curator of the Desert Collections at the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California where he has worked since 1983. Prior to that he worked with master propagator Frank Horwood at Abbey Garden Nursery when it was located in Carpinteria. Trager’s horticultural writings have appeared in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, the Euphorbia Journal, and various other horticultural publications. He is also known for his photography — over 3000 of his images have been published in numerous textbooks and horticultural journals. Book projects include co-authorship and photography for Dry Climate Gardening with Succulents produced by the Huntington (1995), principal photographer for The Genus Conophytum (1993) and a contributor to other works by Steven Hammer: Lithops, Treasures of the Veld (1999) and Dumpling and His Wife (2002, a revision of the The Genus Conophytum) and Mesembs of the World (1998, Hammer et al.). He has also contributed photographs to works by Gordon Rowley: The Succulent Compositae (1994), Anacampseros, Avonia, Grahamia:a growers handbook (1995), Crassula, A Grower’s Guide (2003), as well as the multi-authored six-volume reference The Illustrated Handbook of Succulents (2001-2003).
He continues to contribute images for new editions and new publications as opportunity and demand arises. The annual ISI introductions published in the C&S Journal also provide a venue for his writing and photography. John has traveled widely in search of plants (and insects) including China, Costa Rica, Israel, Mexico, Namibia, South Africa, Thailand and Venezuela. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Horticulture from Cal Poly Pomona (1992) and earlier studied Botany at Santa Barbara City College and UCSB.