South Coast C&SS monthly Zoom meeting November 2020
Zoom meetingPRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER IS: Stephen McCabe "Cliff hangers and Flatlanders: Dudleya on the Edge"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER IS: Stephen McCabe "Cliff hangers and Flatlanders: Dudleya on the Edge"
Besides the opportunity to show your favorite plant at the this year's Zoom Holiday Party, we thought some may want to buy plants on the internet and Gary Duke and…
PRESENTER FOR JANUARY: Brian Kemble - "History of the Ruth Bancroft Garden".
Presenter for February is Guillermo Rivera – “Cactus diversity in northwestern Argentina: a habitat approach”
PRESENTER FOR MARCH: Gary Duke - "Chile - Land of the Ancients"
PRESENTER FOR APRIL IS : Karen Ostler – “Staging”
PRESENTER FOR May: Laurel Woodley: Getting to Know Kalanchoes.
The Presenter is: Ernesto Sandoval – “Succulents: Liberated or Constrained in Containers?”
“Soil Mixtures and Watering Schedules”. The Presenters are: Maria Capaldo, Mike Short, Laurel Woodley and Gary Duke
Meeting has been canceled. See you in September!
The Presenter is: Jeff Moore - "Agaves: Species, Cultivars & Hybrids".
The Presenter is: Rod Haenni- “Growing Cacti and Succulents from Seed”
PRESENTER: Joe Stead 'Propagate it! Then put it in the ground'.
Cactus of the Month: North American Columnar Cacti (Saguaro, Cereus, etc.)
Succulent of the Month: Senecio (including Caputia, Curio, and Kleinia)
PRESENTER: John Trager - "Time for Taiwan"
PRESENTER: Kelly Griffin - “Oaxaca meanderings in search of succulents, plants, adventure and fun”.
Presenter: Jackson Burkholder: Sulcorebutia: A Virtual Tour through Bolivia
Presenter: Woody Minnich “The Cacti and Succulents of New Mexico”
Evidence of Covid vaccination required to attend the SCCSS Club meeting. Bring your vaccine card, as we will be checking at the door. No admission without evidence of vaccination.
April 23-24th, 9am - 4pm
Palos Verdes Art Center, 5504 Crestridge Road, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
All visitors must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Wearing face masks is strongly encouraged.
* Thousands of cactus and succulents for sale
* Hard-to-find plants
* Beautiful displays by expert growers
* Expert advice for beginners and advanced
Stefan Burger:"Copiapoa 2022"
PRESENTER: Tom Glavich "Exploring Euphorbia".
Members and their guests Free admission.
PRESENTER FOR July: Gary Duke: “Northern Argentina” – (12 Nov – 26 Nov 2021).
PRESENTER: Ernesto Sandoval: “Feeding Succulents: How Fertilizer, Water pH and Soil Can and Should Be Adjusted!”
PRESENTER FOR September: Steven Frieze: "Adventures in Namaqualand: The Beauty and Exotic Quality of South African Succulents"
PRESENTER FOR OCTOBER IS: Paul T. Isley III "Tillandsias"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER: Kelly Griffin: "Now and then. An update on the Yemen island of Socotra."
Members and guests only: Our first Holiday gathering in 3 years will be held on Sunday, December 11th. We are celebrating our 50th year! The festivities will start at 1PM…
Presenter: Dylan Hannon "Othonnas for the Collector"
PRESENTER FOR February: John Trager "Huntington Happenings"
PRESENTER FOR March: Jerry Robinson "Bromeliads for the Home and Garden"
NOTE NEW DATE !! - April 15-16, 9am - 4pm
PRESENTER FOR May: Duke Benadon "Baja California-End to End". Note: THIS IS THE 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH.
PRESENTER FOR JUNE: Ron Kaufmann "Life on the Rocks: The world of Rupicolous Orchids"
PRESENTER FOR July: Kelly Griffin: "Aloe Hybrids"
PRESENTER IS: Russel Ray –“Nature’s Geometry: Succulents”
PRESENTER FOR SEPTEMBER: Peter Walkowiak: Soil and Staging Workshop
PRESENTER FOR OCTOBER: Jim Gardner "Fascinating succulent flora of the Canary Islands"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER: Steven Frieze "Oaxaca, Mexico"
South Coast C&SS Holiday Gathering 2023-Potluck!!!
PRESENTER FOR FEBRUARY: Gary Duke "Chile: More Than Copiapoas"
PRESENTER FOR MARCH: Steven Frieze "Journey to Brazil"
April 13-14, 2024 9am - 4pm
PRESENTER FOR MAY: Kelly Griffin "An Adventure to Namibia"
PRESENTER FOR JUNE: Jeff Moore "Dudleyas"
PRESENTER FOR JULY: Ernesto Sandoval "30+ years of Growing Succulents Professionally and Learning from Others and the Wild"
PRESENTER FOR AUGUST: Peter Walkowiak:Soil and Fertilizer for Succulents
PRESENTER FOR SEPTEMBER: John Trager "Succulent Treasures of Taiwan in Habitat and Cultivation"
PRESENTER FOR NOVEMBER: KEITH TAYLOR "Transitioning from Summer to Winter Growers"
South Coast C&SS Holiday Gathering 2024-Potluck!!!
PRESENTER FOR JANUARY: Ernesto Sandoval "A Natural History of Baja California:A Photographic Journey"
PRESENTER FOR FEBRUARY: Tom Glavich: "Ice Plants for the Cool Grower"
PRESENTER FOR MARCH: Steven Frieze "Odyssey to Chile"
April 5-6, 2025 9am - 4pm