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South Coast C&SS February meeting 2022
2022-02-13 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PST

Mini-Show Cactus February 2022: Stenocactus, Echinofossulocactus
Mini-Show Succulent February 2022: Euphorbia from Madagascar
PRESENTER FOR February: Jackson Burkholder
“Sulcorebutia: A Virtual Tour through Bolivia”
This presentation will start by introducing some of the taxonomy and biology of the genus Sulcorebutia, a group of plants that has more recently been included in Rebutia and Weingartia. Next, it will summarize some of the special care that these plants require in order to do well and put on large flowering displays. Finally, it will conclude with a “virtual tour of Bolivia”: a slide show of plants from Jackson’s collection grouped by locality to reflect which species can be seen in the vicinity of one another in nature.
Jackson Burkholder has been growing cacti and succulents for over twenty years. He grew up attending Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society events, and what started as one or two small plants every year has turned into an obsession with desert flora. Since middle school, Jackson has been active in the Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society serving as Show and Sale Chair, Vice President, Show Chair, and has been a Show Judge for the past 6 years. Jackson is also an active member of Cactus and Succulent Society of America and has been on its board of directors since 2020.
Jackson recently graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Horticulture and minors in Botany and Japanese. He is currently starting on Precision Cactus Growers, a nursery that will specialize in producing cactus seeds and plants with collection and location data. His plants are distributed between a small greenhouse and multiple cold frames where his current focus is on South American cacti that thrive in the high elevations and cool nights of Colorado as well as wintery hardy plants.
In addition to growing plants, Jackson is also interested in restoring and using antique scientific equipment and experimenting with traditional scientific techniques. He combines both of his passions by studying plant anatomy and histology – making and examining microscope slides of different plant tissues and organs. He is currently working on finishing the research for his master’s thesis in this subject on the anatomy of cactus extrafloral nectaries. He has many additional research projects coming up and is also working on a book about cactus biology and cultivation directed towards a hobbyist audience.