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Mini-Show Results July, 2024

Cactus of the Month: Ferocactus, Leuchtenbergia.
Succulent of the Month: Kalanchoe.

SCCSS 2024 07 - Open Cactus First - Gary Duke - Ferocactus wislizeni
Open Cactus First
Gary Duke
Ferocactus wislizeni
SCCSS 2024 07 - Open Succulent First - Phyllis DeCrescenzo - Kalanchoe tomentosa
Open Succulent First
Phyllis DeCrescenzo
Kalanchoe tomentosa
SCCSS 2024 07 - Intermediate Cactus First - Bernard Johnson - Leuchtenbergia principis
Intermediate Cactus First
Bernard Johnson
Leuchtenbergia principis
SCCSS 2024 07 - Intermediate Succulent First - Mike Short - Kalanchoe marmorata
Intermediate Succulent First
Mike Short
Kalanchoe marmorata
SCCSS 2024 07 - Novice Cactus First - Vince Darmali - Ferocactus hamatacanthus
Novice Cactus First
Vince Darmali
Ferocactus hamatacanthus
SCCSS 2024 07 - Novice Succulent First - Vince Darmali - Kalanchoe longiflora
Novice Succulent First
Vince Darmali
Kalanchoe longiflora

Photography by: Mike Short
Results submitted by: Terri Straub

Open Cactus

1st: Gary Duke – Ferocactus wislizeni
2nd: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Ferocactus latispinus
3rd: Gary Duke – Leuchtenbergia principis

Open Succulent

1st: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Kalanchoe tomentosa
2nd: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Kalanchoe beharensis
3rd: Maria Capaldo – Kalanchoe rhombopilosa

Intermediate Cactus

1st: Bernard Johnson – Leuchtenbergia principis
2nd: Terri Straub – Ferocactus tiburonensis
3rd: Terri Straub – Ferocactus alamosanus
3rd: Terri Straub – Ferocactus pottsii

Intermediate Succulent

1st: Mike Short – Kalanchoe marmorata
2nd: Mike Short – Kalanchoe orgyalis
3rd: Terri Straub – Kalanchoe ‘Katapifa’, Tarantula

Novice Cactus

1st: Vince Darmali – Ferocactus hamatacanthus
2nd: Martin Dorsey – Leuchtenbergia principis
3rd: Vince Darmali – × Ferobergia (Ferocactus × Leuchtenbergia principis)

Novice Succulent

1st: Vince Darmali – Kalanchoe longiflora
2nd: Martha Bjerke – Kalanchoe orgyalis

LATIN LOOKUP – Loquerisne Latine (Do you speak Latin)?

The meanings of latin plant names on this page – from

  • alamosanus [al-uh-moh-SAY-nus, al-uh-moh-SAH-nus]
    Of or from Los Alamos and the Alamos Mountains in Sonora Mexico.
  • beharensis [be-HAIR-en-sis]
    Of or from Behara, South Madagascar.
  • Ferocactus [fer-oh-KAK-tus]
    From the Latin ferus, (fierce) and cactus, referring to its heavy spines.
  • hamatacanthus [ham-at-uh-KAN-thus]
    From the Greek hamatus (hooked) and �kantha (thorn or spine).
  • Kalanchoe [kal-un-KOH-ee]
    From the Chinese name for one of the species.
  • latispinus [la-TYE-spin-uss]
    Broad spines.
  • Leuchtenbergia [lewk-ten-BER-gee-uh, lewk-ten-BER-jee-uh]
    Named for 19th century Prince Maximillian Eug�ne de Beauharnais, who was then Duke of Leuchtenberg, Ober-Pfalz (Germany).
  • longiflora [lon-jee-FLO-ruh]
    Long flower.
  • marmorata [mar-mor-RAY-tuh]
  • orgyalis [or-gee-AY-liss, or-jee-AY-liss]
    From the Greek orgya, a classical measure of the distance between the tips of the fingers when the arms are extended, approximately 6 feet.
  • pottsii [POT-see-eye]
    Named for John Potts, 19th century gardener and collecctor in China and Bengal for the Horticultural Society of London.
  • principis [PRIN-sip-iss]
    Distinguished, noble.
  • tiburonensis [tib-ur-oh-NEN-sis]
    Of or from the Isla Tibur�n, just off of the Gulf of California in Baja California.
  • tomentosa [toh-men-TOH-suh]
    Covered with fine, matted hairs.
  • wislizeni [wis-LIZ-en-ee]
    Named for Frederick Adolf Wislizenus, 19th century German physician and amateur botanist who collected in the southwestern U.S..
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