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Mini-Show Results August, 2023

Cactus of the Month: Astrophytum.
Succulent of the Month: Sedum (inc. Phedimus), Pachyphytum, Sempervivum.

SCCSS 2023 08 - Open Cactus First - Phyllis DeCrescenzo - Astrophytum ornatum
Open Cactus First
Phyllis DeCrescenzo
Astrophytum ornatum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Open Cactus Second - Phyllis DeCrescenzo - Astrophytum coahuilense
Open Cactus Second
Phyllis DeCrescenzo
Astrophytum coahuilense
SCCSS 2023 08 - Open Cactus Third - Phyllis DeCrescenzo - Astrophytum myriostigma
Open Cactus Third
Phyllis DeCrescenzo
Astrophytum myriostigma
SCCSS 2023 08 - Open Succulent First - Phyllis DeCrescenzo - Sedum morganianum
Open Succulent First
Phyllis DeCrescenzo
Sedum morganianum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Open Succulent Second - Phyllis DeCrescenzo - Sempervivum calcareum
Open Succulent Second
Phyllis DeCrescenzo
Sempervivum calcareum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Open Succulent Third - Maria Capaldo - Sedum clavatum
Open Succulent Third
Maria Capaldo
Sedum clavatum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Intermediate Cactus First - Mike Short - Astrophytum ornatum
Intermediate Cactus First
Mike Short
Astrophytum ornatum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Intermediate Cactus Second - Terri Straub - Astrophytum ornatum
Intermediate Cactus Second
Terri Straub
Astrophytum ornatum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Intermediate Cactus Third - Jackie Johnson - Astrophytum
Intermediate Cactus Third
Jackie Johnson
SCCSS 2023 08 - Intermediate Succulent First - Jackie Johnson - Sedum × Echeveria
Intermediate Succulent First
Jackie Johnson
Sedum × Echeveria
SCCSS 2023 08 - Intermediate Succulent Second - Jackie Johnson - Sedum × Echeveria
Intermediate Succulent Second
Jackie Johnson
Sedum × Echeveria
SCCSS 2023 08 - Intermediate Succulent Third - Jackie Johnson - Sempervivum 'Wilderness Glow'
Intermediate Succulent Third
Jackie Johnson
Sempervivum 'Wilderness Glow'
SCCSS 2023 08 - Novice Succulent First - Martha Bjerke - Sedum 'Little Missy'
Novice Succulent First
Martha Bjerke
Sedum 'Little Missy'
SCCSS 2023 08 - Novice Succulent Second - Martha Bjerke - Sedum × rubrotinctum
Novice Succulent Second
Martha Bjerke
Sedum × rubrotinctum
SCCSS 2023 08 - Novice Succulent Third - Martha Bjerke - Pachyphytum oviferum
Novice Succulent Third
Martha Bjerke
Pachyphytum oviferum

Photography by: Mike Short
Results submitted by: Terri Straub

Open Cactus

1st: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Astrophytum ornatum
2nd: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Astrophytum coahuilense
3rd: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Astrophytum myriostigma

Open Succulent

1st: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Sedum morganianum
2nd: Phyllis DeCrescenzo – Sempervivum calcareum
3rd: Maria Capaldo – Sedum clavatum

Intermediate Cactus

1st: Mike Short – Astrophytum ornatum
2nd: Terri Straub – Astrophytum ornatum
3rd: Jackie Johnson – Astrophytum

Intermediate Succulent

1st: Jackie Johnson – Sedum × Echeveria Cross
2nd: Jackie Johnson – Sedum × Echeveria Cross
3rd: Jackie Johnson – Sempervivum ‘Wilderness Glow’

Novice Cactus

No entries.

Novice Succulent

1st: Martha Bjerke – Sedum ‘Little Missy’
2nd: Martha Bjerke – Sedum × rubrotinctum
3rd: Martha Bjerke – Pachyphytum oviferum

LATIN LOOKUP – Loquerisne Latine (Do you speak Latin)?

The meanings of latin plant names on this page – from

  • Astrophytum [ass-troh-FY-tum]
    From the Greek astro (star) and phyto (plant).
  • calcareum [kal-KAR-ee-um]
    Of chalky land.
  • clavatum [KLAV-ah-tum]
  • coahuilense [kwa-wee-LEN-see]
    Of or from Coahuila (Mexico.
  • Echeveria [ech-eh-VER-ee-a, ech-eh-ver-EE-a]
    Named for Anastasio Echeverria y Godoy, 18th century Spanish botanist.
  • morganianum [mor-gan-ee-AY-num]
    Named for Dr. Meredith Morgan, who first grew the species.
  • myriostigma [my-ree-oh-STIG-muh]
    From the Greek myrios (many, countless) and stigma (thorn, point).
  • ornatum [or-NAH-tum]
    Ornate, adorned.
  • oviferum [oh-VEE-fer-um]
  • Pachyphytum [pak-ee-FY-tum]
    Thick plant.
  • rubrotinctum [roo-broh-TINK-tum]
    Red-dyed, because the leaves turn red in full sun.
  • Sedum [SEE-dum]
    Sedentary, to sit.
  • Sempervivum [sem-per-VEE-vum]
    Always living, living forever.
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