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Mini-Show Results August, 2024

Cactus of the Month: Echinopsis, Soehrensia, Lobivia, & Chamaecereus.
Succulent of the Month: Stapeliads (Stapelia, Huernia, Orbea, etc.).

SCCSS 2024 08 - Open Cactus First - Maria Capaldo - Lobivia ferox var. ferox
Open Cactus First
Maria Capaldo
Lobivia ferox var. ferox
SCCSS 2024 08 - Intermediate Cactus First - Terri Straub - Soehrensia tarijensis
Intermediate Cactus First
Terri Straub
Soehrensia tarijensis
SCCSS 2024 08 - Intermediate Succulent First - Anita Caplan - Huernia
Intermediate Succulent First
Anita Caplan
SCCSS 2024 08 - Novice Cactus First - Braulio Mena - Echinopsis oxygona
Novice Cactus First
Braulio Mena
Echinopsis oxygona
SCCSS 2024 08 - Novice Succulent First - Martin Dorsey - Pseudolithos migiurtinus
Novice Succulent First
Martin Dorsey
Pseudolithos migiurtinus

Photography by: Mike Short
Results submitted by: Terri Straub

Open Cactus

1st: Maria Capaldo – Lobivia ferox var. ferox
2nd: Maria Capaldo – Echinopsis ‘Los Angeles’
3rd: Maria Capaldo – Echinopsis

Open Succulent

2nd: Maria Capaldo – Huernia zebrina
3rd: Maria Capaldo – Huernia zebrina

Intermediate Cactus

1st: Terri Straub – Soehrensia tarijensis
2nd: Terri Straub – Lobivia hertrichiana
3rd: Anita Caplan – Chamaecereus saltensis

Intermediate Succulent

1st: Anita Caplan – Huernia
2nd: Terri Straub – Orbea ciliata
3rd: Terri Straub – Orbea variegata

Novice Cactus

1st: Braulio Mena – Echinopsis oxygona
2nd: Liz Ying – Lobivia
3rd: Shane Mullen – Lobivia ancistrophora

Novice Succulent

1st: Martin Dorsey – Pseudolithos migiurtinus
2nd: Martin Dorsey – Stapelia gigantea

LATIN LOOKUP – Loquerisne Latine (Do you speak Latin)?

The meanings of latin plant names on this page – from

  • ancistrophora [an-kiss-troh-FOR-uh, an-siss-troh-FOR-uh]
    From the Greek ankistron (hook, barb) and -phorus (suffix meaning carries).
  • Chamaecereus [kam-ay-KER-ee-us, kam-ay-SER-ee-us]
    From the Greek chamai (ground) and cereus (wax candle, torch).
  • ciliata [sil-ee-ATE-uh, sil-ee-AH-tuh]
    Fringed with hairs.
  • Echinopsis [ek-in-OP-sis]
    From the Greek echinos (sea urchin or hedgehog) and opsis (like), referring to the plant’s resemblance to sea urchins.
  • ferox [FER-oks]
  • gigantea [jy-GAN-tee-uh, gy-GAN-tee-uh]
    Large, gigantic.
  • hertrichiana [her-trik-ee-AH-na]
    Named for William Hertrich, early 20th century curator of the Huntington Botanical Gardens at S. Marino, California.
  • Huernia [hew-ERN-ee-uh]
    Named for Justus Heurnius, 17th century Dutch missionary and botanist.
  • Lobivia [low-BIV-ee-uh]
    Anagram of Bolivia, where the plant is native.
  • migiurtinus [mij-er-TEE-nus]
    Of or from the coastal region of Migiurtina, Somalia.
  • Orbea [ORB-ee-uh]
    From the Latin orbis, circular shape or disc.
  • oxygona [ok-SY-goh-nuh]
  • Pseudolithos [soo-doh-LY-thos]
    From the Greek pseudo (false) and lithops (stone-like).
  • saltensis [sal-TEN-sis]
    Of or from Salta, a province in northern Argentina.
  • Stapelia [sta-PEL-ee-uh]
    Named for Johannes Bodaeus van Stapel, 17th century Dutch botanist and physician.
  • tarijensis [tar-ih-HEN-sis]
    Of or from from Tarija, Bolivia.
  • variegata [var-ee-GAY-tuh]
  • zebrina [zeb-REE-nuh]
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