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Please record significant changes made to the site here, latest at the top.
No need to record new posts or events.

20160104 mshort
Changed Body ‘Font Family’ from “Source Serif Pro” to “PT Serif”.
Changed Body ‘Font Size’ from “16pt” to “14pt”.
Changed Body ‘Line Height’ from “18pt” to “17pt”.
Changed ‘Background Color’ from “#ededdd” to “#edede1”.

20151228 mshort
Updated Total theme to 3.3.1.
Updated Visual Composer to 4.9.1.
Updated Slider Revolution to 5.1.5.
Updated Templatera to 1.1.8.
Updated WooCommerce (not active) to 2.4.12.

20151222 mshort
1) Login via the dot in the footer is gone.
Please login via /wp-admin (preferred), or by clicking login on the help page at /help
2) “SCCSS-Meetings” is no longer a sub-category of “Meetings”.
Events that are SCCSS meetings should only be in the category “SCCSS-Meetings”, and not the “Meetings” category.
Events that are SCCSS shows should only be in the category “SCCSS-Shows”, and not the “Shows” category.
The change is to avoid showing an SCCSS event twice on the front page.
3) Events having a ‘Featured Image’ won’t show the image when viewing the single event.
(custom CSS: .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-event-image).
When editing an event (not using Frontend editor) there is a box on the lower right to set the ‘Featured Image’.
When you choose one it will appear alongside the event on the home page, which looks nice and brightens the home page.
Problem is that you usually don’t want to see the image when you view the event itself but there is no option to hide it with events, unlike regular posts.
But now you will never see a ‘Featured Image’ when you view an event, although it will show on the home page.
An image height of no more than 200 pixels is good, otherwise it overpowers the home page.

20151221 mshort
Changed colors of links and the ‘Read more’ button.
(Custom CSS: #tribe-events-url and .entry-title a and .entry-title a:hover)
All clickable text is now a dusty blue color, turning to purple when hovered over.
It should make it more obvious what can be clicked or tapped.

20151221 mshort
Updated WordPres to 4.4.

20150904 mshort
Major update to Total Theme 3.0.5!
Installed plugin: The Events Calendar Category Colors.

20150820 mshort
Updated TablePress to 1.6.1.
Updated WordPress to 4.3.
Updated TinyMCE to 4.2.3.

20150724 mshort
Updated The Events Calendar to 3.11.
Updated Akismet to 3.1.3.
Updated Newsletter plugin to 2.8.5.
Updated WooCommerce to 2.3.13.

20150722 mshort
Deactivated TinyMCE Advanced plugin, it wasn’t playing well with Visual Composer, was dropping breaks.

20150618 mshort
Updated Total theme to 2.1.4.
Updated WPBakery Visual Composer to 4.5.3
Updated The Events Calendar to 3.10.

20150513 mshort
Added California Water Index to the home page.

20150512 mshort
Updated Total theme to 2.1.2.

20150508 mshort
Wordpress auto-updated to 4.2.2.
Updated Total theme to 2.1.1.
Note to self: to update Visual Composer first delete it.
Updated WPBakery Visual Composer to 4.5.1.

20150428 mshort
Updated Total WordPress theme to 2.0.2.
Updated WordPress to 4.2.1.Sepulveda/Manhattan beach blvd
Updated Visual Composer to 4.4.4.
Added join page and membership form pdf.

20150315 mshort
Updated Total WordPress theme to 2.0.0.
Updated WPBakery Visual Composer to 4.4.2.

20150217 mshort
Added date to home page Latest News items, tweaked CSS for it.
Installed plugin “Who Hit The Page”. Placed a hidden page counter on each page.

20150207 mshort
Installed plugin BackWPup. Created full backup, monthly, keep 2, to Dropbox a/c Created part backup, Mondays and Thursdays 3am, keep 8, to Dropbox a/c

20150207 mshort
Changed dot in footer copyright to point to help page, which has a login link.  Updated help doc for adding events to reflect.

20150206 mshort
In cPanel added email for webmaster and added a redirect to webmaster  Edited contact pages to reflect.

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