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The South Coast Cactus & Succulent Society holds a Mini-Show at each monthly meeting except when we have our Annual Show & Sale in April, and our Holiday Potluck in December. Members bring in their show plants to the monthly Mini-Show where they are judged, usually by the guest speaker.

Mini-Show rules
Monthly Mini-Show Plants
Monthly Mini-Show Results
Annual Mini-Show Final Standings
Annual Plant of the Month Lists

The tables below show the current standings for the three classes (Open, Intermediate, and Novice) as of January 12th, 2025.
Submitted by: Terri Straub

Capaldo, Maria12719
DeCrescenzo, Phyllis201434
Duke, Gary448
Gardner, Jim1212
Woodley, Laurel1010
Caplan, Anita268
Dorsey, Martin5611
Ikemura, Bonnie11
Lott, Lemono88
Short, Mike189
Straub, Terri241135
Bjarkman, M.A.66
Darmali, Vincent66
Mullen, Shane5813
Unrine, George11
Unrine, Judy44
Ying, Liz11415
Capaldo, Maria12719
DeCrescenzo, Phyllis201434
Duke, Gary448
Gardner, Jim1212
Woodley, Laurel1010
Caplan, Anita268
Dorsey, Martin5611
Ikemura, Bonnie11
Lott, Lemono88
Short, Mike189
Straub, Terri241135
Bjarkman, M.A.66
Darmali, Vincent66
Mullen, Shane5813
Unrine, George11
Unrine, Judy44
Ying, Liz11415
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