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A Mini-show is scheduled for all meetings except April (Show and Sale) and December (Holiday Potluck) as a way for members to show their prized plants and staging skills; and for everyone, especially novices to learn how to grow and show theirs. Lists of eligible plants are printed in the newsletter and on our Society’s website.

There are three entry classes: Novice, Intermediate and Open. New members may enter at any level, but once a level has been entered members may not regress to a less advanced class.

There are two plant categories, Cactus and Succulent. Up to three entries per member may be entered in each category.

Exhibitors must be club members in good standing and present at the meeting. One member’s name representing a household must be used unless plants are grown and shown separately. We trust you.

Any container may be used, including plastic. The containers and plants must be free of pests and disease. Only one plant/container is permitted but this includes rosettes/offsets/pups connected by rhizomes, stolens, and above ground clusters. Dish gardens are an exception if they are the category of the month. Novice and Intermediate entries must be grown by the exhibitor for a minimum of six months, and open class entries for one year.

Usually our speaker (as an unbiased expert) will be asked to judge, but if the speaker is a Society member, one or two members who are not showing will be asked to judge. Remember, judges may not be experts and usually judge based on how well the plant is grown and staged. The following point system is used.

1st place – 6
2nd place – 4
3rd place – 2
Entries not disqualified receive 1 point.

After the November meeting, point totals will be reviewed by the Board. Novice and Intermediate members with more than 64 points or with at least 6 first place awards may be asked to move to the Intermediate or Open class if their entries show them qualified. This is a subjective judgment.

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