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South Coast C&SS monthly meeting – February, 2024
2024-02-11 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST
Mini-Show Cactus: Coryphantha, Pelecyphora (=Escobaria), Acharagma, Cochemiea, Sclerocactus
Mini-Show Succulent: Gasteria and hybrids
South Coast Botanic Garden, members and their guests free admission.
PRESENTER FOR FEBRUARY: Gary Duke “Chile: More Than Copiapoas”
Gary describes the family of Copiapoas, including some seldom seen. He also describes several Eriosyce, including several that grow underground belonging to the subfamily of Thelocephala and several wild flowers. He will also present drone footage of populations of Copiapoa solaris, columna-alba, hypogea and dealbata.
Gary Duke has been collecting cacti and succulents for over 50 years. He’s an avid collector of cacti and also collects Tylecodons and Dudleyas. He is a retired Air Force officer with a doctoral degree in physics. During his military career, he moved his original and ever expanding collection of less than about 30 plants from Illinois, where he grew up, to Omaha, NE, Dayton, OH (where he started their first C&S Society, which is now defunct), San Pedro, CA, Montgomery, AL and Albuquerque, NM where he had been show chairman. He has also been President of the South Coast Cactus and Succulent Society and the Long Beach Cactus Society. Following his military career, he worked as a program manager for Boeing for 16 years. He has over 1000 different species in his private collection and enjoys propagating them. One can view some plants in his collection on his Instagram site: garyduke53. He frequently gives slide presentations throughout southern California, including being invited to speak at the Huntington Botanical Gardens and at the Denver Cactus and Succulent Society. He has traveled to Aruba, Peru, Baja Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile to see cacti and succulents in habitat.