Mini-Show Results September 2023
Mini Show results, winners and photos of plants.
Ariocarpus is one of the treasures of the world of Cacti, from Central to Northern Mexico and Southern Texas. Obregonia, the artichoke cactus, is a genus of cacti with a single species, from Mexico.
These 2 caudiciform genera, are unrelated except that they are both from Africa and Southeast Asia and are named after the country Aden.
These 4 genera, in the Crassulaceae family, include plants from many parts of the world.
Astrophytum (Bishop's Hat) is a (mostly) star shaped cactus from north/central Mexico and southern Texas, USA.
The Bromeliads, like Cactaceae and Agavaceae are a New World family.
Melocactus are recognizable by the large cephalium that develops on mature plants. They are native from Brazil to Southern Mexico, including the Caribbean.