Mini-Show Succulent March 2022: Aeonium and Greenovia
Aeonium are from Africa and islands, Greenovia are from the Canary Islands.
Aeonium are from Africa and islands, Greenovia are from the Canary Islands.
Some of the most interesting euphorbias come from Madagascar.
Sometimes called "Living Stones".
No Holiday Potluck, so send in photos.
There were about 100 succulent Senecio species, some of which have been moved to the genera Caputia, Curio, and Kleinia. There are many non-succulent Senecio species.
Many from Madagascar, some from Africa and Asia in or near India.
Stapeliads are mainly from Southern Africa. They are called carrion flowers because of the smell they emit to attract flies for pollination.
Dracaena (=Sansevieria) is a genus of about 70 species of flowering plants, native to Africa, Madagascar and southern Asia. Common names include mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, and snake plant.