Mini-Show Succulent March 2024: Dudleya, Cotyledon
Dudleya from North America, Cotyledon from South Africa to Arabia.
Dudleya from North America, Cotyledon from South Africa to Arabia.
Gasteria is a genus of succulent plants, native to South Africa (and the far south-west corner of Namibia).
Caudiciform plants, also known as ‘Fat Plants’, are a grouping of many totally unrelated plants all having a fat, short, swollen stem-trunk.
Crest and monstose are mutations of the cellular structure.
These 3 genera produce rosettes with thick leaves. Graptopetalum is native to Mexico and Arizona. Graptoveria and Pachyveria are nursery hybrids.
These 2 caudiciform genera, are unrelated except that they are both from Africa and Southeast Asia and are named after the country Aden.
These 4 genera, in the Crassulaceae family, include plants from many parts of the world.
The Bromeliads, like Cactaceae and Agavaceae are a New World family.
Cissus is one of the largest genera of succulents, and one of the weirdest. Cyphostemma is a member of the Vitaceae or grape family.
Euphorbia is one of the largest of the succulent plant families. The genus Euphorbia is found throughout the tropics and semi tropics around the world, with some members of the family growing well into temperate regions.