Mini-Show Cactus August 2024: Echinopsis, Soehrensia, Lobivia, & Chamaecereus
Echinopsis has recently been split, some have moved to Soehrensia, Lobivia, or Chamaecereus.
Echinopsis has recently been split, some have moved to Soehrensia, Lobivia, or Chamaecereus.
Stapeliads are mainly from Southern Africa. They are called carrion flowers because of the smell they emit to attract flies for pollination.
Many from Madagascar, some from Africa and Asia in or near India.
Ferocactus are fierce cacti from Mexico and Southern USA. Leuchtenbergia consists of a single species, from Mexico.
The name means "Thick Foot". Native to only Southern Africa and Madagascar.
An easy to grow cactus from Argentina, Southeastern Bolivia, Western Paraguay, Uruguay, and the Southernmost part of Brazil.