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Members were given one of these at the start of the year. They were to look after it and bring it back at the December 2020 meeting (the annual Pot Luck) for comparison. Members filled in a questionnaire about the plant, the results are shown below.

Questions for 2019 Plant of the Year (POY) - Haworthia mauganni x truncata
Total of 25 Responses Received (Note: Not everyone answered all questions)
1. Where did you grow your plant?
Full sunPartialFull shade1/2 x 1/2
2. Did the plant survive until Dec 2019?
Yes - 25No - 0
3. Did you like the plant?
Yes - 20No - 23 had no preference
Interesting shape x 2
Easy to take care of
No sharp points
Indifferent, did nothing to catch my eye
Sturdy leavers, attractive
Interesting growth habit
Grows well, unique shape and bloomed
Nice compact plant
Not fond of hybrids
4. Did the plant flower in your possession?
Yes - 11No - 14
5. Did you repot it?
Yes - 17No - 8
If repotted, when and what soil mix was used?
Armstrong cactus mix
C&S mix w 30% perilite
Really grew after repotting
1/2 cactus mix * 1/2 all purpose potting mix
1/4 pumice + 3/4 cactus mix
6. What was the appoximate watering schedule?
Every 1 - 4 da - 0
Once/wk - 17
Once every other wk - 4
About once/mo - 4
Never - 0
7. Did you fertilize?
Everytime - 3Every Other Watering - Once every 1 - 3 mo - 3
Every Other Time - 3
Once/mo - 3
Less than 1/mo - 8
Never - 7
Fertilizer used:
Cactus juice or Miracle Grow - 2
Very weak mix
1/4 dilutioOnce/yr w slow realease pellets x 2
Warm tea and water
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