Mini-Show Cactus November 2024: North American Columnar Cacti (Saguaro, Cereus, etc.)
Echinopsis has recently been split, some have moved to Soehrensia, Lobivia, or Chamaecereus.
Ferocactus are fierce cacti from Mexico and Southern USA. Leuchtenbergia consists of a single species, from Mexico.
An easy to grow cactus from Argentina, Southeastern Bolivia, Western Paraguay, Uruguay, and the Southernmost part of Brazil.
Four genera that are all now Eriosyce, from Chile and Peru.
Small to medium cacti from USA and Mexico, often with brilliant flowers.
Five cactus genera from the Southern USA and Northern Mexico.
Mammillaria is one of the larger genera in the Cactus family, and one of the most variable, but only some have hooked spines.