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Submitted by: Jim Tanner

[Ed: Notocactus is treated as Parodia in this article.  Either name will be accepted at the Mini-Show]

Parodia is a genus of flowering plants in the cactus family Cactaceae, native to the uplands of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay. This genus has about 50 species, many of which have been transferred from Eriocactus, Notocactus and Wigginsia. They range from small globose plants to 1 m (3 ft) tall columnar cacti. All are deeply ribbed and spiny, with single flowers at or near the crown. Some species produce offsets at the base. They are popular in cultivation, but must be grown indoors where temperatures fall below 10 °C (50 °F). The genus is named after Domingo Parodi, one of the early investigators of the flora of Paraguay.

Parodia concinna
Parodia concinna
Parodia haselbergii
Parodia haselbergii
Parodia horstii
Parodia horstii
Parodia lenninghausii
Parodia lenninghausii
Parodia mueller-melchersii
Parodia mueller-melchersii
Parodia nivosa
Parodia nivosa
Parodia mueller-melchersii
Parodia mueller-melchersii
Parodia crassigibba
Parodia crassigibba

LATIN LOOKUP – Loquerisne Latine (Do you speak Latin)?

The meanings of latin plant names on this page – from

  • buiningii [byoon-ING-ee-eye]
    Named for Albert Frederik Henrik Buining, 20th century prominent Dutch expert of Brazilian cacti.
  • concinna [kon-kin-na, kon-sin-na]
    From the Latin, meaning skillfuly joined; neat, well-made.
  • haselbergii [has-el-BERG-ee-eye]
    Named for Dr. F. von Haselberg, its discoverer.
  • horstii [HORST-ee-eye]
    Named for Leopoldo Horst, 21st century Brazilian plant collector.
  • leninghausii [len-ing-HOW-see-eye]
    For 19th century German cactus collector Guillermo Leninghaus.
  • magnifica [mag-NIH-fee-kuh]
  • mammulosa [mam-uh-LO-sa]
    Having nipples.
  • Parodia [par-ROH-dee-uh]
    Named for Lorenzo Raimundo Parodi, 20th century Argentinian botanist who specialized in native grasses.
  • penicillata [pen-iss-sil-LAY-tuh]
    Having a tuft of hair, very finely divided or pinnate.
  • rutilans [ROO-til-lanz]
  • schumanniana [shoo-mahn-ee-AH-na]
    Named for Dr. Karl Moritz Schumann, 19th century German botanist, and founder of the German Cactus Society.
  • werneri [WER-ner-ee]
    Named for Abraham Gottlob Werner, 18th century German geologist.
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